Updates and Video Links for Jack Powers
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- Category: Authors
- Published: Friday, 01 May 2020 18:22
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 4016
Jack Powers, author of Everybody's Vaguely Familiar, did a Spoken Word Sunday zoom talk on August 30. His co-speaker is Stephanie Laterza. The web address is: https://www.greatweatherformedia.com/upcoming-events/2020/8/30/stephanie-laterza-and-jack-powers-plus-open-mic
Jack recently did a short "virtual reading" for ShelterinPoetry--choosing his favorite poems/poets wisely. It's only 8.5 minutes. Click on the link below. He has also had three poems published recently, and is working on a collection of sonnets.
And here's a funny new sonnet he's written--not in our book--changing the familiar "five stages of death" trope to something more outwardly directed, i.e. five stages of retirement:
When I Tell the Neighbors I've Retired
Denial’s the first stage. No way! they say.
How long you been teaching? But some jump right
To anger. I hate you! They squint their eyes,
Squeeze their rakes or leashes, ready to strike.
Then they start to bargain: How old are you?
Their heads tilt. They do their own math. That leads
To depression. I can’t ever retire.
I changed jobs/had children late/didn’t save.
Bit by bit they make it to acceptance.
Well, good for you! You deserve it. That’s great!
As if talking themselves into it. Then
they gaze off, dream of their own retirement.
Soon I notice more dog poops on my lawn,
Blown leaves in the yard, more car horns at dawn.