Goodreads Q&A with Mark Guerin

Goodreads asks Mark Guerin:

Where did you get the idea for your most recent novel?

Mark Guerin:  I always wanted to write a book about my Dad. He was a colonel, hospital commander and a doctor in the Air Force for many years before he was mustered out in 1964, ten years before he expected to leave. He ended up in a factory town working at a Chrysler Auto Assembly plant as the Plant Physician doing physicals, handling workers comp claims and treating workplace injuries. He didn't like his new job and it showed. I got a summer job there in college and that's when I learned how much the assembly line workers disliked my dad, too. For many years, I thought that rocky situation would make a great book, but I never knew exactly why things turned out as they did, so I couldn't write a memoir or biography. I could only speculate, which is why I wrote a novel.

Mark Guerin's debut novel, YOU CAN SEE MORE FROM UP HERE, will be officially released on October 1, but has already garnered quite a few positive reviews on Goodreads.